Every PTA leader I’ve ever known is an advocate. They all go about it in different ways -ways that reflect their personality. Some are feisty, some are collaborative, some are compassionate, some are comfortable working out in front, some prefer leading from behind, and most are a combination of all these. But at their core, every PTA leader I’ve ever known ACTS when they learn of an issue that is or may endanger children. It is the very essence of who we are as PTA leaders and as human beings.

That is why we are proud to bring you this new UTD feature, Advocacy Starts at Home. Our goal is to showcase the great work, big and small, going on in PTA communities around the state.

Texas PTA’s mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. That advocacy starts at home and it is all about communication. 

1. We hear of an issue. 2. We investigate it. 3. We talk to others. 4. We seek a solution together.

Rachael Abell
Texas PTA Vice President Advocacy

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To translate this form, select the desired language in the dropdown menu. * Please be aware that this translation is AI-generated and may not be completely accurate. While our Adapted Translations list can provide additional assistance, it's recommended to verify critical information with a human translator at 1-TALK-PTA (800-825-5782), if needed.
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