Having a PTA at your campus is an important way to support the success of every student and back the future of your community!

The Texas PTA President has appointed a group of volunteers, the Charter Services Team, to conduct the organization of PTAs across the state.    

The first step in starting a PTA is to submit this form. The second step is to wait to hear from your Charter Services volunteer.

Your Charter Services volunteer will be in touch to answer any questions you may have. We look forward to guiding you through the process of starting a sustainable and successful PTA. 

Para traducir, seleccione el idioma deseado en el menú desplegable. *Favor de tomar en cuenta que esta traducción ha sido generada por IA, de modo que no es del todo precisa. Disponemos de una lista de traducciones para brindar apoyo adicional. Si se necesita, recomendamos verificar el contenido con un traductor en persona al 800-TALK-PTA (800-825-5782).
To translate this form, select the desired language in the dropdown menu. * Please be aware that this translation is AI-generated and may not be completely accurate. While our Adapted Translations list can provide additional assistance, it's recommended to verify critical information with a human translator at 800-TALK-PTA (800-825-5782), if needed.