Bylaws & Standing Rules Submission Form

To expedite the approval and return of your governing documents, please read through the following information carefully. 

If your PTA has Standing Rules, they must be reviewed and approved by Texas PTA any time your Bylaws are amended or updated. If you are not sure whether or not your PTA has Standing Rules, please contact Texas PTA at 1-800-TALK-PTA.

To successfully submit this form, you will need the following:

  1. An electronic copy of your Membership Meeting Minutes that clearly show proper notice was given, quorum was present, and a record of the affirmative vote by MEMBERSHIP to approve the specific amendments to your bylaws and/or standing rules. Meeting Minutes are not required if only updating stamps on bylaws and standing rules (if applicable).
  2. An electronic copy of your standing rules (if applicable) that have been edited to include the changes that have been approved by your membership. Any reviewer notes should be deleted, and unusual formatting fixed before uploading.
*Please make sure all electronic copies submitted are MICROSOFT WORD Documents

Upon successful completion, you will receive a confirmation listing a summary of your submission and a reference number. If you do not receive a confirmation email, your submission was not completed. 

*During back-to-school months and holidays, the turnaround time for both Bylaws and Standing Rules could be longer than the normal 6 week processing time.

Standing Rules received after May 15 may not be reviewed and returned until August, depending on number of requests received and availability of volunteer reviewers.
Please complete your submission before this form closes on May 1, 2025, for maintenance. This form will reopen in August 2025.

Para traducir, seleccione el idioma deseado en el menú desplegable. *Favor de tomar en cuenta que esta traducción ha sido generada por IA, de modo que no es del todo precisa. Disponemos de una lista de traducciones para brindar apoyo adicional. Si se necesita, recomendamos verificar el contenido con un traductor en persona al 1-TALK-PTA (800-825-5782).
To translate this form, select the desired language in the dropdown menu. * Please be aware that this translation is AI-generated and may not be completely accurate. While our Adapted Translations list can provide additional assistance, it's recommended to verify critical information with a human translator at 1-TALK-PTA (800-825-5782), if needed.