Advocacy is at the heart of the PTA’s mission, and you represent the voice of Texas parents, students, teachers, and schools. From local campuses to the steps of the Capitol, your efforts drive meaningful change.

Even though the House and Senate will not convene for the next legislative session until January 2025, the Texas PTA Advocacy Committee and Board of Directors start preparing months in advance. We want to hear from YOU about key issues impacting public education and the well-being of children across the state.

Now is your chance to help shape the Texas PTA's legislative priorities for the 89th Session of the Texas Legislature. Please take a few moments to complete this survey by Friday, September 20, 2024. It should take less than 10 minutes of your time.

Mark your calendars for Rally Day in Austin, on February 24, 2025.

Are you a PTA leader? *
Are you a PTA member?
If you are not a member, visit to become a member today.

Para traducir, seleccione el idioma deseado en el menú desplegable. *Favor de tomar en cuenta que esta traducción ha sido generada por IA, de modo que no es del todo precisa. Disponemos de una lista de traducciones para brindar apoyo adicional. Si se necesita, recomendamos verificar el contenido con un traductor en persona al 1-TALK-PTA (800-825-5782).
To translate this form, select the desired language in the dropdown menu. * Please be aware that this translation is AI-generated and may not be completely accurate. While our Adapted Translations list can provide additional assistance, it's recommended to verify critical information with a human translator at 1-TALK-PTA (800-825-5782), if needed.
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