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Selection Information: Texas PTA LAUNCH is the biggest event of the year! PTA Leaders from all over the state come to this exciting weekend of camaraderie to learn about all things PTA. 
The LAUNCH Workshop Selection Committee looks forward to selecting sessions that directly enrich the important PTA and parenting work of our Leaders. The Committee prioritizes workshops that are content-rich, interactive, and fun. 
About the format: Our smallest room at LAUNCH seats 110 and our largest seats 340. Please submit sessions that can accommodate this audience size. 
Additional Notes: LAUNCH presenters participate on a volunteer basis and waive any requests for honorarium/payment. Additionally, LAUNCH workshops are an opportunity to share information and not a showcase for promotion of business, practice, service, or product.
Please email us at leaderengagement@txpta.org or call us at 512-320-9815 for questions about Texas PTA workshops.
Para traducir, seleccione el idioma deseado en el menú desplegable. *Favor de tomar en cuenta que esta traducción ha sido generada por IA, de modo que no es del todo precisa. Disponemos de una lista de traducciones para brindar apoyo adicional. Si se necesita, recomendamos verificar el contenido con un traductor en persona al 1-TALK-PTA (800-825-5782).
To translate this form, select the desired language in the dropdown menu. * Please be aware that this translation is AI-generated and may not be completely accurate. While our Adapted Translations list can provide additional assistance, it's recommended to verify critical information with a human translator at 1-TALK-PTA (800-825-5782), if needed.