Abstract Submission Form


The 2025 IUVA Asian Pacific Symposium, jointly hosted by the Environmental Engineering Society of Singapore (EESS), International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA), and Centre for Water Research (CWR) in National University of Singapore (NUS), invites researchers, practitioners and industry experts to submit abstracts for presentation at this esteemed event.
For submission guidelines and further details, please contact the organising committee at zstai@nus.edu.sg.

We look forward to receiving your contributions and to your participation in this collaborative and insightful symposium.

The format requirements for the abstract submission are as follows:

  • Abstracts are to be written in English.
  • Font: Times New Roman, size 12.
  • Abstracts are limited to a maximum of TWO PAGES (max. 800 words).
  • Authors should indicate their preference for either an Oral or Poster presentations.
Do you prefer to give a poster or oral presentation?