PA Foundation Board of Trustees
2024 Call for Nominations - Student Trustee
The PA Foundation Committee on Nominations is seeking a PA student to serve as a student member of the PA Foundation Board of Trustees. The incoming student trustee selected through this nominations cycle will serve a term beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2026.

Please review the 2024 Student Nominee Information Guide before completing the application below.
Please confirm you have read and acknowledge the requirements of trustee service as outlined in the 2024 Student Nominee Information Guide. *

Nominee Information


0/255 characters
Please list charitable organizations with which you have served (business, civic, community, fraternal, political, professional, recreational, religious, social).
 Organization NameRole/TitleDates of Service

Free Responses

File Uploads

Thank you for your interest in serving your Foundation!