2022 Global Outreach Grant & Robert K. Pedersen Global Outreach Grant
Application Form

Step 2: Fill out form below and upload all required supporting materials.
Application Deadline: May 6, 2022

Applicant Information

Applicant Status: *

Sponsoring Organization Information

The sponsoring organization is the organization that will receive/manage grant funding if selected as a grantee. It must be a nonprofit organization (PA program, constituent organization, or other organization with nonprofit status).
Sponsoring Organization Status: *
Is this organization incorporated? *
Is this organization a nonprofit? (must be a nonprofit in order to meet eligibility criteria) *

Project Information

0/250 words


Please review and indicate your agreement with the following statements by checking the box next to each. *
Digital Signature of Applicant: *

Sponsoring Organization Attestations
To be signed by main contact at sponsoring organization. If the individual applicant is affiliated with the sponsoring organization, form should be signed by the applicant's supervisor; if no supervisor, applicant may sign it.
View Sponsoring Organization Attestation Form.

Faculty Sponsor Attestations
To be completed only if applicant is a PA student.
View Faculty Sponsor Attestation Form.

Required Documents